I am a little behind on posting for Katherine's 1 year post because her appointment was a little late! Last week we went in to see Dr. Glover and she did wonderful! I was a little worried she would scream the whole time since she doesn't really like other people holding her but she didn't. She just gave him the most stern, questioning look and laid there stiff as a board. It was so funny!
So here's her stat's:
Weight: 20 lbs 14 oz (45%)
Height: 29 /34 inches (75%)
Head Circumference: 18 1/4 (80%)
A little about Katherine:
- You are wearing size 12 to 18 months clothes and a size 3 diaper. I am about ready to buy a size 4 because you are leaking out of them at night.
- You have 2 bottom teeth and just got 2 top teeth in.
- Your favorite foods are strawberries, grapes, noodles, green beans, broccoli, chicken, eggs, cheese, and cheese toast. You are a great eater but it took me a while to get you started. You still gag a lot and have even started putting your fingers down your throat and making yourself throw up!!! The doctor told me to ignore you when you do that but I can't stand it!!! I think you may be having some reflux issues because you throw up a lot whether you make yourself or not. We'll find out soon.
- You still like to drink milk from a bottle and you drink one before each nap and bed time. You can also drink from a sippy sup and a straw.
- You definitely have a sweet tooth!!! I try to keep it away from you as much as possible but you nearly attack your sister for her snacks and juice cup. You absolutely know when someone has something you want and it's hard to make you stop. You are a determined and feisty little little thing when you don't get your way!!!
- You HATE getting your diaper changed and being in your car seat. I have to distract you with a toy or a snack to get you to cooperate in the car. My latest trick when I change your diaper is to sing a ridiculous and obnoxious version of Old McDonald. It's holding your attention for now but I give that another week and I'll have to figure out something else!
- You can say Ma Ma, Da Da, Ma Ma for Madeleine (It sounds different than Ma Ma) Uh oh, Big Ball ( You say this constantly!) Dogie (Barks) You bark for most animals you see and thinks it's hilarious) Ba Ba for bottle, Bye Bye, Hey, and Baby. I think that's all but, you seem to say a lot of other things like thank you and make noises that I think are words sometimes but I am not sure yet. You like to mimic silly laughs and noises as well.
- If I talk sternly to you, you cry easily and it hurts your feelings!!! Oh, I feel bad because it's usually just a No mam!
- You will charm the socks off someone when we are in public. You like to grin, play peek-a-boo, blow kisses and wave. You are hesitant to go to anyone but will flirt all day long if I'm holding you.
- You are totally a daddy's girl when he's around and you cry when he leaves for work!!!
- You love your sister and follow her around all day long. Most of the time she doesn't care unless you take something she is playing with or eating. You think she is sooo funny and she can always make you laugh.
- You are not walking yet but you can stand without support and push things around.
- Your favorite thing to play with is baby dolls. You LOVE them and will hold, rock, and kiss them. You say awww when I ask you to love your baby. It is so sweet and one of my favorite things you do right now.
- You try to tickle me by saying ticka ticka and wiggling your fingers.
- You can point and gesture when there is something you want.
- You know where your nose is. You mimic what to do with a hair brush, telephone, remote and sunglasses. You "pretend" to read books by pointing, babbling, and making noises while turning the pages.
- You are still taking 2 naps most of the time and we are having a hard time getting them straightened out. You prefer the morning nap around 9:30 or 10:00 and will sleep about 2 hours. Then you don't want to take the afternoon nap until really late...... like 4 or 5!!! So in an effort to adjust things, I am waking you from the morning one after 30 minutes and then putting you down around 1:30 or 2:00. It's not going quite as smoothly as I hoped. You're not sleeping long enough in the afternoon. My goal is to eventually achieve one long afternoon nap around 1:30/2.
- We go to bed really early around here. Typically 6:30 and sometimes 6:00 when napping goes badly. You sleep until 6:30 a.m. usually and sometimes later. I am a big believer in getting enough sleep so hopefully you won't give me much more trouble :)
- As an infant you were so quiet and easy going. Now, you are definitely coming into your own and showing out for us a bit. I can't believe how spunky you have become!!! You are sweet, loving, sensitive, and affectionate; but also determined, loud, feisty and wild!!! I guess you are learning to hold your own around here with a sissy like Madeleine.
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